Antitrust Statement
The Southern Rubber Group is a professional society of members who function as individuals and not as agents or representatives of any organization with which they may be associated. It is the strict policy of the Group, in all its meetings, to adhere to its objective to promote the education, professional growth and betterment of those individuals associated with the rubber and associated industries. This policy is essential to avoid violating federal and state antitrust laws. It is the policy of the Southern Rubber Group and its members not to:
- Illegally agree or conspire to take any action that constitutes price fixing, or to discuss, consider or debate prices and production costs, production targets, market allocation or division
- Illegally agree or conspire to take action or engage in discussion relating to the boycott, refusal to deal with, or exclusion of competitors
- Illegally agree or conspire to improperly set or discuss standards or codes or ethics that unreasonably inhibit or restrict competition
- Not to engage in or discuss any other subject prohibited by the antitrust laws. If there are any violations of this policy, the offending member will be ruled out of order immediately and appropriately disciplined if necessary, and any action taken in violation of this policy immediately will be null and void, and a record minute will be made to that effect.
2024 Board of Directors
Vice Chairperson
Cole Wildes
Area Director
Jeff Linn
Ryan Keith
2024 Committee Chairpersons
Future Sites
Teddy Hazen
Supplier Hospitality