Interested in presenting a paper at an SRG meeting?
Here’s what you can expect from the SRG:
- Your meeting registration fee will be waived. This includes the cost of the Business Luncheon on Tuesday (Winter Meeting) or the SRG Banquet (Summer).
- Your presentation will be attended by 30-60 industry representatives.
- You are encouraged to include your company logo and trade names in your presentation, if desired. SRG logos are available if you would like to use them.
- It is not the SRG’s practice to pay for presenters’ travel or lodging.
- Your participation is greatly appreciated! The session moderator will present will a small token of the SRG’s gratitude at the end of your presentation.
Here’s what the SRG expects from you:
- Please provide the title of your presentation and a bio to be used in your introduction as early as possible.
- If you must cancel, please do so at least three weeks prior to the start of the meeting.
- Please register for the meeting.
- Please provide an advance electronic copy of your paper to be shared with attendees after the meeting. This may be an edited version of the actual presentation if necessary. In addition, we will honor temporary embargoes upon request. Please feel free to bring any last-minutes edits or updates on a flash drive.
- At the meeting, please check in with the registration table, session moderator, or Program Planning chairman upon arrival.
- Please be willing to use a lapel microphone if requested (varies by meeting venue).
- Please feel free to reach out to the Program Planning committee chairman, Ray Hetherington via email at